SEO Quickstart

Get more right-fit people onto your website with simple Search Engine Optimization.  

This beginner-friendly course walks you through optimizing your website so it will be more easily finable via search engines.

€0 €49
Help your right-fit people find your business where they’re already looking for help…

Where do you go when looking for answers or solutions? 

If you’re like most people, I bet you head straight to Google.

So why not make it easier for your ideal clients & customers to find YOU in their searches?
You know optimizing your website for search engines is important
But it turns out it’s WAY more complicated than you thought it would be. 

And now you might be feeling: 

Overwhelmed by all of the tech & industry jargon

Confused about what you actually, practically need to do on your website 

Frustrated that being found via organic searches seems to only be an option for tech wizards and content-churning machines  

Then SEO Quickstart might be just what you need!

“SEO had been on my list for a long time and I felt overwhelmed. Michelle helped me get it done - and quickly! She was so clear, warm, and supportive!”

I created this beginner-friendly course to help demystify the whole SEO thing
And get you moving on actually implementing SEO best practices on your website so you too can start showing up in searches! Oh, and I threw in a handy checklist to help make it super easy to apply everything you learn to your website.
Here’s what you get:

You get instant access to:

8 Lessons explaining SEO best practices for your website in plain English so you can confidently apply your newfound knowledge & improve your chances of ranking in search

SEO Checklist to make it super simple to update your website

BONUS: An invitation to join my client & student-only Facebook group Chez Michelle where you can get support & ask questions as you work through picking your marketing strategies

Slides & closed captions for accessibility 
I’m a wee bit obsessed with creating hard-working business & marketing strategies so you get great results even if you’re short on “desk time”
I created the SEO Quickstart course because organic search is one of the most impactful AND energetically sustainable marketing strategies out there. 

And I believe that no matter stage of business, what budget or what tech level you're at, optimizing your website to be more easily found by the people looking for what you have on offer is always a good idea. 

Because the easier you make it for people to find you - the more money you stand to make! And, personally, I want more money in the hands of thoughtful, intentional, compassionate business owners like you

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SEO Keyword Planner

Special one-time offer, only €29 €49!
Find the perfect keywords to show up in Google search and strategically plan out how to use them on your website

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  • Total payment
  • 1xSEO Quickstart€49

All prices in EUR